The artless art
Action through non-action, and beauty in the mundane.

These paintings serve as portals to inner sanctuary, offering moments of profound stillness amidst life's chaos, guiding to unlock the limitless expanses of consciousness.

The ultimate purpose of this meditative art is to learn to release the self and connect to the nameless force that binds us all.

Painting with Light and Spirit
A journey into the depths of nature and spirituality, evoking a sense of nostalgia that transcends time.

Capturing fleeting moments that illuminate our cosmic journey, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Challenging perceptions, delving into the complexities of the human experience and our connection to the universe.

Drawing inspiration from witchcraft romantics, mother earth, and the inevitability of death.

Secrets in Symbols
In my mystical journey, I forged a unique tarot deck, blending ancient wisdom with modern insight.

Fusing tarot, astrology, numerology, and Norse mythology, I embarked on a quest guided by inner whispers. Through diligent work and deep introspection, enlightenment struck like lightning, birthing a deck brimming with cosmic truths.

Join me in unraveling the mysteries of the universe through personalized tarot readings and teachings.

James Beckett
In 2012, I sold all, believing the world's end was near. With just a backpack, I journeyed to Asia. Amidst cities and mountains, I sought wisdom. Each sunrise brought new possibilities, each encounter, insight. I found richness in connection—with oneself, others, and the universe. As I immersed in life's rhythms, I found art in every moment. The world transformed; so did I. My art dances in the wind and laughter of strangers. True enlightenment lies in the journey itself.
James Beckett
In 2012, I sold all, believing the world's end was near. With just a backpack, I journeyed to Asia. Amidst cities and mountains, I sought wisdom. Each sunrise brought new possibilities, each encounter, insight. I found richness in connection—with oneself, others, and the universe. As I immersed in life's rhythms, I found art in every moment. The world transformed; so did I. My art dances in the wind and laughter of strangers. True enlightenment lies in the journey itself.
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